This is the leader- a standard Astartes sarge with plasma pistol and Auspex.

Here are a couple of non-specialists- a beakie with a bolt pistol chucking a grenade (as you can see, his bolter is empty, and he has an entire purity page...) and a cybered-up standard dude.

The three minimarines, before painting. You can see that I split the legs from the Iron Hands upgrade pack to get twice as many augmented guys (although in the fluff for these guys they are primarily prosthetics rather than augmetics- the result of a Dark Eldar incursion on a shrine world they were defending). I might go and finish up a whole squad of Veterans using these old guys at some point.
The last of the old-school Marines is this sniper scout. He was originally painted around 2004.
And wrapping everything up are 3 Primaris marines- 2 Reivers (Combat and Zealot) and a Primaris Lieutenant pretending he's a non-specialist Sergeant with auto bolt rifle and auspex (he probably has one in a pouch somewhere, IDK).

So that's them. I'm really pleased with how they came out- the first real group of dudes I've done more than simple basecoating on with the airbrush! The main purple is P3 Beaten Purple with edge highlights of Vallejo Warlord Purple and a wash Citadel Druchii Violet/Secret Weapon Soft Body Black mixed , the reds are Plaid Folk Art True Burgundy glazed on over some Vallejo brown leather color, and the gunmetal is P3 Pig Iron. The golds are Vallejo Liquid Metal (the old alcohol based ones).
... and I'll leave it with the guy that started the whole thing...
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