See what I mean? Awful. That poor, poor Raven Guard. I was really looking forward to getting clearer shots in the hopes of soliciting some advice with the armor, especially highlighting. But, with pictures like these (this one is pretty heavily processed, even) it's not really worth it. I'm going to get the lighting situation sorted before I do too much more with this project. I've mostly finished 2 out of 20 to date, aside from decals. So far so good, considering all the other things I've got going on.
Speaking of decals... THE PRODUCT REVIEW!
Don't buy it. How's that for a review?
Seriously. For ten bucks you get some worthless software (whose only notable feature is an 'Order more paper!' button), ONE sheet of 8"x6" clear transfer paper, and a 3 ounce can of decal sealer. And the decal sealer sells for about $4 a can.
It made me so angry, I had to paint an ork.
Actually he kind of painted himself. Most fun I've had painting a model since I built that Revell '65 Impala.
...Jeez. I really need some better lighting.
I may have a suggestion to help you photograph your raven guard (My wife is a photographer) Photograph them against a much darker background. Unless you are shooting in RAW on an SLR your photo is autobalanced by the camera and if there is a wide variety of brightness a lot of detail in the dark areas tends to get thrown away by the camera's compression. Also any autoexposure will underexpose the black in the picture due to the bright surroundings.
ReplyDeleteHope this helps
the grimdark- Thanks so much. I have a feeling that's exactly the right idea!